Today is the 4th of July 2007. It is the United States 231st Birthday.
Since this is a blog for people who are not celebrities who are mostly unknown to the general public but have a story, this would be the perfect time and place to acknowledge the 2nd President of the United States, John Adams. His story is one of the biggest to ever hit American soil.
If it had not been for the constant persistence, the relentless determination, the stubbornness, the dedication and the word they used back in those days the “pigheadedness” of John Adams, the United Stated probably would not have had an Independence Day on July 4, 1776. It is uncertain as to if and when the USA would have had an Independence Day at anytime in the future.
When people list the most Popular Presidents, they usually include:
George Washington, Abraham Lincoln. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.
When listing the most Popular Founding Fathers, they usually include:
Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and John Hancock with his great big huge signature.
The list of some of the most Popular American Citizens include:
Betsy Ross, Albert Einstein, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Bill Gates.
John Adams’ name almost never comes up even though he deserves most of the credit for one of the biggest holidays in the United States which is the 4th of July.
Luckily for the United States, it was John Adams who insisted that the National Bird would be an Eagle. He won that argument.
Thomas Jefferson wanted it to be a Dove.
If Benjamin Franklin has his way on the matter, the United States’ National Bird would have been a Turkey. Imagine the impact of that at Thanksgiving time.
4th of July TRIVIA
Thomas Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence. However, other people and especially Benjamin Franklin (who deserves much more credit than he normally gets) had writing contributions, revisions and did editing to the document.
Interestingly both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on the same day exactly 50 years later to the day on July 4, 1826.
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